An easier way to budget and manage your personal finance.

If you’re in Finance, Accounting, or any related field, you’ll most likely not be saying, ‘Goodbye Excel’ anytime soon. Yikes!

We apologize in advance if you thought that is what this article is about. But hang in there, we have good news regardless.

Many organizations run their entire budgeting, forecasting, and accounting functions on Excel which is fine for business/commercial purposes but for personal finance management, we just have to say it, ‘Ditch Excel Sheets – Download Trackfundx’

While some people totally love working with Excel Sheets, others find it an arduous task. If you belong to the group that finds Excel difficult to use and perhaps this has affected how you budget and make financial plans, all you have to do, is download Trackfundx right away and let’s help you budget and manage your finances with ease.

What Trackfundx does

  • Analyzes your spending from your bank statements and puts them into categories.

With this, you’re able to keep track of every single kobo that leaves your account. With Excel, you might forget to input the 2k you transferred to your driver for bus fare or the VAT from your bill at the restaurant.

With Trackfundx, it’s automated. If you’ve spent it, we will Track it. How cool is that.

  • Allows you create custom budgets for just about anything.

Trackfundx will not only help you track or analyze but helps you stay financially responsible. If you create a budget, you get to set your spend limit and a reminder.

Once you hit your spend limit on a budget, you get a notification. It’s as good as having a financial guardian angel. You’ll have to try it to see.

  •  Gives you a financial report for a set period

The report page on Trackfundx is really the devil’s advocate you should be happy to pay attention at if you really want to stay in control of your money. You can only know so much about your finances if you don’t analyze it periodically.

Trackfundx is that friend who makes managing your personal finances easier, a financial custodian helping you stay financially responsible, manage your finances better, and beat inflation.

So, if excel sheets has never been that friend, it’s time to get the right support with Trackfundx.

The excel lovers are not left out, is time to move on from those sheets especially with your personal finance management.

It’s time to Budget, Track, Grow, and Control your finance all in one app.  

Download Trackfundx now to begin