Managing your finances just got easier...

You can track your finances, manage your income and spending, get reminders on bills to pay and be in charge like the boss that you are.

Together, we can build a budgeted life, one click at a time.

Carpenters constructing a house.
  • Togetherness

    You are not alone on the journey to control your finances and stay on course. Trackfundx allows you to budget accurately, link multiple accounts and set reminders when needed.

  • Reliable

    You can count on us anytime. We are here for you. Seamless services, simple and easy to navigate dashboard, clear visualizations, periodic reports and round the clock customer support, all got you.

  • Sharing Love

    We'd love to help you stay true to your budget. Our share option means that your friends and family can see your budget and give you the support to not derail.

We know you've got some questions

Your answers are right here…

Who can use Trackfundx?

Trackfundx is a financial management app that is created for everyone who needs help with keeping a tab on their finances. You can easily link your bank accounts, accurately create budgets that can be shared if you wish. You can also set reminders on that subscription that you always forget to renew.

What are the benefits of using Trackfundx?

Trackfundx makes it easy for the users to enjoy a healthy financial life. You can now begin your savings journey by cutting down on unnecessary expenses. You no longer have to surf through your multiple bank accounts to know how rich or broke you've gotten. You get constant reminders on your transactions and you can see your financial strength at a go.

What are the features of Trackfundx?

There are quite a number of features that Trackfundx users can explore either on the web or through the downloaded app. Some of these include:

  • Syncing of multiple bank accounts through seamless processes
  • Monthly bill tracking and payment reminders
  • An automated organisation of your spending with totals and percentage
  • Periodic records to keep you informed
  • Accurate budgeting that matches your income
How do I sign up for Trackfundx?

You can either sign up for Trackfundx through the app for Android or IPhone. Once you sign up, you get to sync your bank accounts so that our system can automatically create a spending pattern and budget planner.

Is Trackfundx free?

Once you sign up for Trackfundx and you sync your bank and other financial accounts to the app or via the web version for it to generate a budget planner and group your spending, this attracts a little service charge only.

How do I connect my bank accounts to Trackfundx?

You can connect your bank accounts through the Trackfundx app, connecting your accounts lets you access all your transactions record and analyzed data.

We support up to 30+ banks in Africa. Business and personal accounts can also be connected.

Is it safe to use to Trackfundx?

Using trackfundx is 100% secure as we do not have access to initiate transactions on your behalf nor do we share your data with any third party.

For more information on security, check out our terms and policy.