New features on Trackfundx that make personal finance management easy

Let’s tell you a little secret (well maybe not a secret), from the day the idea to launch a personal finance app, to the launch of the Trackfundx Public Beta, up till this very moment, we haven’t taken a break from thinking, strategizing, and developing the app to bring you more value. Our goal is to get to a point where managing your personal finances becomes second nature because of how easy and fluid our app makes it for you.

We have just added on 4 new features on the app in line with this goal, let’s tell you about them and how you can leverage to make your experience better.

Biometrics Login

What you could do: Previously, you could only log in manually by typing in your email address and password. Also, you did not have a timeout session, so the app could stay active for a long time.

What’s New: To make login easier and for improved security, you can now set-up and log into the app with your Face ID/Fingerprint, and if the app is inactive for some time, you’re logged out automatically.

Multiple Transaction Categorization

What you could do: Trackfundx automatically categorizes your transactions from your bank account based on smart categorization pattern. You could also create new categories e.g., Black Tax, and move some transactions to enable you track better. However, you could only select one transaction and move one at a time.

What’s New: The update to the categorization feature now allows you search transaction keywords, sort and select multiple transactions, move into existing categories or into a new one.

Share Budget

What you could do: Create a budget for the month or for an expense, set categories you want to track and amount for each, set duration, and reminders. Cool feature, right? But what if you need to share this with someone or to monitor a spend? This question birthed the share budget feature.

What’s New: Remember that one time you probably wanted to give an account to your family or partner about a certain spend and you couldn’t? Here’s the good news, we’ve fixed that. Now you can create a budget, track your spend in line with the budget and share the link to this budget sheet with whoever you choose to track the progress in real time.

In-App Chat

Help is right on the Trackfundx App. You can now chat with us live from the Help & Support page when you click on the More button.

You can now enjoy these features and more for a token. With our monthly subscription package, you get a full-fledged experience that helps you stay in control of your money.

We really want you to try these and leave us a review or drop a message on the ‘Help and Support’ channel on the app.